On a hot Thursday, after morning tea, we had netball with Liz. I lined up and waited for Mrs Lagitupu to take us to netball. Then she walked in the street and said ”do you have your hats?” We said “yes”. Then she opened the class room and got her hat then locked the door and walked to the courts.
After we got there Liz told us that we had to line up behind the yellow line. Then she said to pair up in to partners. I was with Senolita. She told us that we have to do the side steps but little. After the side steps she calls out “and back” and we come back. After we learned a few skills we had to go on the dots or crosses that were on the ground.
Then she told us to go get a ball and go back to your dots or crosses. Waata and Caroline had to call out numbers. We started to do our passing when they were calling out the numbers. After that we had to do passing skills. Then we started to play a game. It was so much fun, but my feet were burning hard out.